Make the bot stay in your voice channel 24/7
Options: Channel
Automatically queue similar tracks indefinitely
Automatically shuffle all tracks in the queue on queueing new tracks
Backward the track by a few seconds
Options: Seconds
Resend the player control buttons
Move the last queued track to the first one in the queue
Clear the queue while playing the current track
Forward the track by a few seconds
Options: Seconds
Grab the current track to your DM and save it to your favourites list
Play a track from in between the queue without remove any behind it
Options: Track Position
Loop the queue/track indefinitely
Options: Type (Queue/Track)
Display the lyrics of a track
Move tracks around in between the queue
Options: Start Position, End Position
Display the stats of the current track
Pause the player
Play a track using a link/name
Options: Query, Source
Play a file (MP3 or other supported audio file formats)
Options: File
Play tracks based on your mood
Options: Mood
Queue a track to play next
Options: Query
Play the most recently played track
Display the current player queue
Options: Page
Remove tracks from the queue
Options: Track Position
Remove all the duplicate tracks in the queue
Requeue all the recently played tracks before the last disconnect
Restart a track
Resume the player
Search and play a track from Spotify
Options: Query
Seek to a position in the track
Options: Position
Shuffle all tracks in the queue
Skip a track (Voted skip if DJ role is set)
Skip to a track in the queue directly (Clears tracks before it)
Options: Track Position
Destroy the player and leave the voice channel
Change the volume of the player
Options: Volume
Add a surroud effect to the track
Add extra bass to the track
Remove vocals from the track
Speed up and increase the pitch of the track
Add a pop-like filter
Reset all filters and effects
Soften the track
Add a extra treblebass to the track
Add a wavy effect to the track
Add a deep, strong effect to the track
Add a vibrating effect to the track
Connect your Spotify account to Uzox
Options: Code
Disconnect your Spotify account from Uzox
Display your Spotify profile
Shows your top artists and tracks over a period of time
Display an artists profile
Options: Artist
Play the top tracks of an artist
Options: Artist
Follow an artist
Options: ID
Unfollow an artist
Options: ID
Show all your Spotify playlists
Options: Page
Play a Spotify playlist
Options: Playlist
Save a playlist
Options: ID
Show all your Spotify liked tracks
Options: Page
Play your liked tracks
Options: Track
Save a track to your liked tracks
Options: Name, Link, ID
Delete one of your liked tracks
Options: track
Follow a Spotify user
Options: ID
Unfollow a Spotify user
Options: ID
Allow a user access to your Spotify account
Options: User (@Mention / ID)
Remove a user's access to your Spotify account
Options: User (@Mention / ID)
List all users with access to your Spotify account
Connect your account to Uzox
Disconnect your account from Uzox
Scrobble all your played tracks from Uzox to
Save a player queue into your saved queues list
Options: Name
List all your saved queues
Options: Name, Page
List the tracks in a saved queue
Options: Name, Page
Play a saved queue
Options: Name
Delete a saved queue
Options: Name
Save a track name to your favorites list
Options: Name
List all your favorites
Options: Page
Play a favorite
Options: Position (From "list")
Delete a favorite
Options: Position (From "list")
Enable the DJ role requirement
Options: Role
Disable the DJ role requirement
Set a default channel Uzox can't respond outside of
Options: Channel
Remove the default channel setting
Set a default volume Uzox should join with
Options: Volume
Set a default track Uzox should continue with after the queue ends
Options: Track (Name/URL)
Remove the default track setting
Toggle the now playing message
Fix any issues with the player by resetting it